时光荏苒,中国国际联合跆拳道联合会已成立四年了。在联合会成立之初,一切并没有我们所期待的那样顺利,但我们很幸运地得到了国际跆拳道联盟ITF副总裁 Daher 师圣一如既往的支持,帮助我们中国国际跆拳道联合会克服了无数的困难!我们非常感激他在整个过程中的解囊相助。值此时刻,本着吃水不忘挖井人的精神,谨代表中国国际跆拳道联合会所有 ITF 新、老师范和练习者,向他表达最真诚的感谢。
Thank GM Michael Daher for all he has done for IUTA
Time flies and it has been four years since the establishment of theChina International United Taekwon-Do Association. The process ofapplying for the association was not easy, but we were fortunate to havethe support of Grand Master Daher, who helped us overcome countlessobstacles. We are grateful for his unwavering support throughout thejourney.
On this memorable moment, we would like to address our grateful to him!
All members of
China nternational United Taekwon-Do Association